Opaque and ore minerals associated with sedimentary rocks
Argillaceous limestone, Lancashire. Britain
Beach placer, Richards Bay, Republic of South Africa
Carbonate-hosted Irish-type deposits, Navan, County Meath, Ireland
Carbonate-hosted Irish-type deposits,Gortdrum, County Tipperary, Ireland
Clay, ironstone, Great Oakley. Sussex, Britain
Fossil placer, Witwatersrand, Republic of South Africa
Gold-platinum placer. Kalimantan, Indonesia
Iron formation (banded), Little Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia
Iron formation (banded), Hamersley Basin, Western Australia
Laterite. Gove, Northern Territories, Australia
Manganese nodules. Pacific Ocean
Metamorphosed manganese ore. Gwynedd, Wales, Britain
Mississippi Valley-type deposits, Clevedon, Somerset, Britain
Mississippi Valley-type deposits, Nenthead area, North Pennine Orefield
Mississippi Valley-type deposits, Oxclose Mine, South Pennine Orefield, Britain
Mississippi Valley-type deposits, Settlingstones Mine, North Pennine Orefield
Mississippi Valley-type deposts, Shullsburg area, Southwest Wisconsin, USA
Red-bed copper deposits, Alderley Edge, Cheshire, England
River placer, Jos Plateau, Nigeria
Seathwaite Tarn, English Lake District, Britain
St Bees Sandstone. Cumbria, Britain
Stratiform copper-silver ores, Mount Gabriel, County Cork, Ireland